Gear and Gadgets

Over the past years I’ve had a lot of questions about my gear. More so about camera hardware and post processing software. I’m not a professional and the gear I have selected offered me the greatest value per dollar I could personally afford. Keep in mind I didn’t just buy all of this stuff in one sitting, I have accumulated this over several years through trial and error. I’m usually in less than favorable conditions for Photography and Videography so to speak. My gear is subjected to moisture, saltwater, dust, dirt, mud, sand, loose women, curious children and rain more often than not. Anyone who is interested in nature (fishing, hunting or exploring) can tell you this is a problem that will remain consistent.

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Reflecting On Reality

Reflections can be scary and often they show you things in life that may often pass without  acknowledgment. The truth is I was loosing a battle with technology and the social media applications that have hijacked our lives. Yes, in some instances they can be great and connect you with some great people. However the fact is it pulls you from the true meaning of life. I have completely lost any form of respect for most social media outlets. Its become a melting pot of attention and self-boasting egos larger than the applications that individuals themselves interact with. Fiddler on the bankwm

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