The Indefinite Walkabout

As of recent I’ve had some significant life changes come about my way. Truthfully though they may have come about at the right time. I won’t speak directly of what they are just yet because you only need to know that they have humbled me and given me a second chance to venture even further into a life of what I cherish. When I was young I believe I started on a walkabout of sorts and simply put I’m seeing now that it may never be completed. Theres so much out there within this country (and beyond) that it would be an injustice to simply live stagnate and never explore it. Keep in mind this could simply be a walk to the store or a hike through the forest you pass ten times a day, just seeing it first hand and being within those moments I feel you’ll find that sense of reality, adventure and a deeper appreciation of life.

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A Change In The Wind

You will begin to notice some changes, more writing and discussions on my trials and tribulations on the water to be precise. I figured what the hell? I’m usually documenting my outings each trip why not share them here in more detail. I will try to keep it interesting and although hunting for fish to eat a fly is nothing new, I’d like to offer my perspective for beginners looking for advise and experts looking for a laugh. I will be challenging myself to post a minimum of once a week, and it will be more of an article of sorts and explanations with hypothesis of what I believe worked or didn’t. Feel free to chime in and add to the mix when you’d like, I will never turn down humor and or advise from an expert or overlook a single comment if possible. I will keep a log of conditions each day on the water such as temperatures, Tides (coefficients and heights), moon phases and weather. If I do my part we’ll hopefully begin to find more truth and understanding through physical research and hopefully draw an understanding of what days are best for kitchen passes (for my friends with families and wives).



Chris (The Redfish Bum)

Reflecting On Reality

Reflections can be scary and often they show you things in life that may often pass without  acknowledgment. The truth is I was loosing a battle with technology and the social media applications that have hijacked our lives. Yes, in some instances they can be great and connect you with some great people. However the fact is it pulls you from the true meaning of life. I have completely lost any form of respect for most social media outlets. Its become a melting pot of attention and self-boasting egos larger than the applications that individuals themselves interact with. Fiddler on the bankwm

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